Dear SRAM Customer:
You may have a bicycle equipped with a ZIPP® quick release.
或許您的單車上裝有 ZIPP 的快拆。
These quick releases are the subject of a safety recall. If your bike has a ZIPP quick release, PLEASE STOP RIDING YOUR BIKE unPl you confirm whether your quick release is part of the recall.
這對快拆因為有安全的疑慮所以進行請招回的動作,如果您的單車上面裝 有 ZIPP 快拆,請停止騎乘您的單車,直到您確認您的快拆不在招回的清單中。
The quick releases can fail to engage in the closed posiPon, posing a crash and injury hazard.
產品分成鈦合金軸快拆與鋼軸快拆,上面並沒有 UPC 條碼或者序號,無 論如何,受影響的快拆將可從快拆把柄的外型與上面背後的雷雕進⾏行辨識, 快拆把柄的標示如下方圖片。
Photo 1: Front and rear views of quick release:
圖 1:前快拆與後快拆的外觀:
Dear SRAM Customer:
You may have a bicycle equipped with a ZIPP® quick release.
或許您的單車上裝有 ZIPP 的快拆。
These quick releases are the subject of a safety recall. If your bike has a ZIPP quick release, PLEASE STOP RIDING YOUR BIKE unPl you confirm whether your quick release is part of the recall.
這對快拆因為有安全的疑慮所以進行請招回的動作,如果您的單車上面裝 有 ZIPP 快拆,請停止騎乘您的單車,直到您確認您的快拆不在招回的清單中。
The quick releases can fail to engage in the closed posiPon, posing a crash and injury hazard.
The product was sold in either Ptanium or steel. There is no UPC code or serial
number, however, the affected quick releases can be idenPfied the shape of
the quick release lever and the absence of an idenPfying mark on the rear of
the quick release lever located as shown below.
產品分成鈦合金軸快拆與鋼軸快拆,上面並沒有 UPC 條碼或者序號,無 論如何,受影響的快拆將可從快拆把柄的外型與上面背後的雷雕進⾏行辨識, 快拆把柄的標示如下方圖片。
Photo 1: Front and rear views of quick release:
圖 1:前快拆與後快拆的外觀:
Photo 2: Side view of quick release:
圖 2:快拆的外觀:
Photo 3 & 4: Views of a rear lever of the unaffected quick releases
圖 3 與 4:不受影響的快拆外觀:
Photos 3 & 4 above are views of the rear lever of a quick release containing a marking indicaPng that it is not affected by the recall. Recalled quick releases do not have any marking on the center rear of the lever.
圖 3 與 4 的快拆在把柄後面已經有雷雕記號,這些快拆則不在招回的範圍 之內,招回的快拆把柄後方沒有任何的記號或者是雷雕。
圖 2:快拆的外觀:
Photo 3 & 4: Views of a rear lever of the unaffected quick releases
圖 3 與 4:不受影響的快拆外觀:
Photos 3 & 4 above are views of the rear lever of a quick release containing a marking indicaPng that it is not affected by the recall. Recalled quick releases do not have any marking on the center rear of the lever.
圖 3 與 4 的快拆在把柄後面已經有雷雕記號,這些快拆則不在招回的範圍 之內,招回的快拆把柄後方沒有任何的記號或者是雷雕。
If you have an affected quick release, please contact SRAM or your local bicycle
dealer for a free replacement.
If you are unsure if your quick release skewer is part of the recall, please contact SRAM or your local bicycle dealer for verificaPon.
我們為造成您的不便感到抱歉,但保護您安全是我們的第一原則,如果針對招回案件有任何問題,請洽頂成有限公司 04-24639891 林先生 或洽原 廠官網:www.sram.com與, SRAM本次進行的召回行動是 與美國消費品安全委員會合作。
If you are unsure if your quick release skewer is part of the recall, please contact SRAM or your local bicycle dealer for verificaPon.
如果您不確定您的快拆是否為招回的快拆,請聯繫各地區經銷商或者頂成 有限公司來確認您的花⿎鼓。
臺北 恆星單車 02-8732 7742 捷世樂內湖 02-2627 5035 789 樂騎適 02-2541 6633 魔術方塊單車 02-2731 4435 樂活式單車 02-2885 2172 明昌單車 02-2720 0747 單車碼頭 02-2556 5983 永佳單車 02-8661 7976 移動城堡 02-2690 3332 單車碼頭 02-2446 5983 力羽單車 02-8209 8105 拜訪單車 02-2792 9006 臺北 Specialized 02-2658 8222 艾祁單車 02-8601 1750 騎蜂單車 02-2253 1796 世明車行 02-2798 6196 愛亂跑
捷世樂永和店02-2517 6030
02-2552 0506
02-2921 0261桃園 吉興單車 03-462 6846 友翔單車 03-367 0609 崇越單車
捷世樂桃園店03-438 2923
03-331 1156新竹 鐵馬牧場 03-658 9001 風城單車 03-516 6346 台中 亞馬遜 04-2237 9010 豐原鐵馬王 04-252 00901 飛馬仕單車 04-231 50176 彰化 耐奇單車 04-839 1280 雲林 宏翊單車 05-532 6179 台南 牛仔單車 06-228 0089 單車印象精品館 06-221 5087 277自轉車 06-293 1277 虹點單車 06-635 6091 單車時間 06-289 2138
高雄 太成單車 07-385 5836 自由鳶 07-394 3886 歐亞單車 07-236 1071 源成單車 07-384 9157 十全單車 07-746 0489 屏東
兆鑫單車 08-7368682
We apologize for this inconvenience, but your safety is our priority. For
quesPons about this recall, call 800-346-2928 or check our websites at and SRAM is conducPng this recall in
cooperaPon with U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
我們為造成您的不便感到抱歉,但保護您安全是我們的第一原則,如果針對招回案件有任何問題,請洽頂成有限公司 04-24639891 林先生 或洽原 廠官網:www.sram.com與, SRAM本次進行的召回行動是 與美國消費品安全委員會合作。